Navigation: Module Management > Course Management > Course Configuration Tabs > Affiliation >

Add Affiliation





This feature allows administrative user to associate affiliation from existing affiliations available/defined in the system to the currently selected course. The Add New option is available on top right part of Affiliation grid.


Add New

If the affiliation isn't available, administrative user can add new affiliation record by selecting "Add New" option next to Affiliation drop down field.


Affiliation Grid

The affiliation grid lists all affiliation records. It has option to edit and delete affiliation record.






Select the affiliation from the affiliation drop down list.


Course Code

The selected affiliation is linked with the current course code.


URL Code

Enter the URL/short code of the affiliation.




This is the affiliation URL. Affiliation URL will redirect learner to the course detail page. Learner might need to login first to be able to redirected back to course detail page.


Is Active?

Check or uncheck check box to set this affiliation mapping with the course as an active or inactive. By default, this check box will be checked.



Click Save button to save this affiliation mapping with the course.


Mapped affiliation records will be listed in the affiliation grid.



Affiliation Grid

The affiliation grid lists all affiliation records. It has option to edit and delete affiliation record.



Click Edit icon to update the affiliation record.



Click Delete icon to delete the affiliation record.


Add New Affiliation Record

If the affiliation isn't available, administrative user can add new affiliation record by selecting "Add New" option next to Affiliation drop down field.




Affiliation Name

Enter the affiliation name.



Click Save button to save affiliation record.


System displays an interface which displays Course Code, URL Code, URL and Is Active? data fields. The saved affiliation record is shown as selected.





Affiliation Name

Select the Affiliation from the drop down.


Course Code

Current course code is shown in the course code field.


URL Code and URL

Enter the affiliation URL code. Basically, it is a landing or home page of the affiliation. The affiliation site URL is shown beside the URL Code field.


Is Active?

Check or uncheck check box to set this affiliation mapping with the course as an active or inactive.



Click Save button to save this affiliation mapping with the course.





Export To Excel

Click Export To Excel button to export affiliation records into MS Excel file.


Save & Cancel

Click Save button to save the affiliation configurations.


Click Cancel button to cancel the action of updating detail.






















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