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Course Evaluation





The Course Evaluation report will show aggregate data per each question, where there will be two types of aggregation shown depending on question type:


• Rating scale questions: Aggregated value for this type of question will be avg. of defined scale (if 5-point scale is defined, avg. value will be between 1-5 for this type of question).

• All other question types: % avg by answer option will be provided (total % will tally up to 100% for all answer options).



Administrative user will be able to filter records by the following filters:



• Job Code: Select or enter the job code for which the administrative user wants to review course evaluation feedback statistics for each question the learner has responded to. System displays list of job code(s) starting with the name typed in. Use the up and down arrow keys to select the required code and press Enter or Tab key.

• Learner Type: Select learner type. For example, All, MDS Member, Non-Member, etc.

• Profession: Select the profession from the drop down. For example, Clinician, Clinician-General Neurologist, Clinician-Movement Disorder, Specialist, etc.

• Area of Expertise: Select area of expertise from the drop down list. For example, Basic Science, Clinical Psychology, General Medicine, etc.


Click the Search button to run the report based on the filter(s) selected. The course information summary and the learner's summary will be shown in different sections.




System displays records based on the filter criteria selected:

Course Information

The Course Information section shows below information of the selected course code.



• Job Code: Course code of the course.

• Title: Course Title.

• Date: Shows course type if the course is other than live course type. It will display the course date for live course type.


Learner's Summary

The Learner's Summary information section shows counts of relevant activities/information of the selected course.



• Total Completer(s): No. of learners completed the course.

• Total Evaluations: No. of evaluations taken by the learners for the course.

• Total Certificates Issued : No. of certificate(s) issued for the selected course.


Evaluation questions summary:

Question Detail

This part shows each evaluation question and its options detail.


For each option, it shows the %age value of the learners who selected that option along with the count (N).



The Summary information will be shown at the bottom part of the question. It shows information like:

• Status: Status of the evaluation question.

• No. of Respondents who responded this question.

• No. of Respondents who skipped this question.




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