Navigation: Module Management > Course Management > Course Type > Online >

Edit Online Course





Administrative user is able to update the online course information by selecting the Edit option from the course listing grid.


Select Module Management -> Course Management option to list all courses.


All LMS courses will be listed in the course ling grid. The Edit icon is shown against each course.


Course Listing Grid

All LMS courses are listed here.



The course listing grid lists below information:


• Course Code: Course code.

• Job Code: The job code associated with the course.

• Course Title: Course title.

• Course Type: Course type. For example, Curriculum, Live, Online, Curriculum - List Only,  Curriculum - External, etc.

• Course Status: Current status of the course. For example, Preview, Active, Closed, Certificate Only

• Edit icon: To update the course detail.

• Delete icon: To remove the course.




Filter is provided for each data shown in the listing grid except the Edit and Delete actions. Select filter to apply condition to filter the courses listed in the grid.



Click the Edit icon to update the course detail. Edit Course window will open.




The Edit Course window is open. Update the required detail and click on the Save button to update the changes made.


Please note the course status must be "Preview" in order to update the course detail. 


Update the course status to Preview, if it is set to other than the Preview and Save the course first to proceed with the further edits.


Click Cancel button to discard the changes. The system redirects to the Course Management listing page.





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