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Participant Payment/Refund Report





This report generates payments and refunds including the transfers between registration types for the courses.



Administrative user will be able to filter records by the following filters:



• Course Code: Select or enter the course code for which the administrative user wants to review the payment, refund, and transfer transactions detail. System displays list of job code(s) starting with the name typed in. Use the up and down arrow keys to select the required code and press Enter or Tab key.

• Coupon Code: Select the coupon code from the drop down for which payment/refund report is required to be shown.

• First Name: First Name of the learner.

• Last Name: Last Name of the learner.

• Email: Email Address of the learner.

• Transaction Status: Select the transaction status from the drop down. For example, Succeed, Failed, Transfer, Transfer - Payment, Transfer - Refund, Partial Refund, Full Refund, etc.

• From Date: Select the date from which date (including) onwards payment/refund transaction detail required to be shown.

• To Date: Select the date till which date (including) payment/refund transaction detail required to be shown. If the From Date is selected but the To Date is not selected, then the system brings all transaction starting from the selected From Date.



Click the Search button to run the report based on the filter(s) selected. The payment/refund information will be shown.



System displays records based on the filter criteria selected:


Result Grid

Result grid lists records based on the report criteria selected.It lists below information about the learners.



• Course Code

• Name: Name of the learner.

• Registration For: Registration done for.

• Net Amount ($): Net amount paid for the participation.

• Type: Type of transaction.

• Transaction ID

• Paid Date: Date payment made.

• Coupon Code: Coupon code applied for the participation.



You can further filter the searched results records by applying filter on any of the grid column headers.


Export To Excel

Export to Excel feature will export the information in Excel format.



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