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Session Tracking Summary





Administrative user will be able to review the learner's LMS, course or course education journey with this report.


This report will show when and where the learner landed on the LMS, course or course education, when and where the learner dropped off and all pages visited in between.


This report will show LMS wide metrics as well as course specific data. If course code will be selected, there will be an additional filter "Supplement Only", upon selecting that filter, data will be further drilled down to the activity specific.



Administrative user will be able to filter records by the following filters:



• First Name

• Last Name

• Email

• Session

• Country: Select the country from the drop down list.

• City: Select the city from the drop down list.

 OS: Select the operating system from the drop down list.

 Device Name: Select the device name from the drop down list.

 Browser: Select the country from the drop down list. For example, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.

 IP Address: Enter the IP address value if the report will be shown for a specific IP address.

 Referral: Select the referral from the drop down list.

 Affiliation: Select the affiliation from the drop down list.

• From Date: Select the date from which date (including) onwards users' sessions are created.

• To Date: Select the date till which date (including) users' sessions are created. If the From Date is selected but the To Date is not selected, then the system brings all sessions starting from the selected From Date.

• Select Course: If course code will be selected data shown in this report will be specific to the course otherwise this report will show LMS wide metrics. Select or enter the course code for which session detail will be shown.

• Learner Type: Select learner type from the drop down list.

 Registered Only: Check the check box if the report will be shown for registered users only.

 Supplement Only: Check the check box if the report will be shown for supplements only.


Click the Search button to run the general analytical summary based on the filter(s) selected.


Back to General Report

Click Back to General Report option to go back to Web Analytics Dashboard page.




Result Grid

Result grid lists records based on the report criteria selected. It lists below information about the learners.



• Date: The date and time value of the session.

 User Name: User name linked with the session.

 Start up Page: The first page user has started with the session.

 Referral Website: Name of the referral website user visited from.

• Page Count: No. of page(s) visited during the session.

 Duration: Duration of the session.

 OS/Device: Displays the OS and Device detail.

• View: Click More option to view detail about the session.


You can further filter the searched results records by applying filter on any of the grid column headers.


Save Data as Excel

Save Data as Excel feature will export the information in Excel format.



Click view icon to view more detail about the session.


It opens an overlay window and display detail like Date and Time of the session, User Name, Page, Event/action, Course Code, Module, Sub Module, etc.









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