Navigation: Module Management > Refund Management >

Refund Process





This feature allows administrative user to process refund for three scenarios mentioned below for the learner who is requesting refund:


1.Full Refund

2.Partial Refund

3.Transfer Fee


Full Refund: 

Administrative user is able to process full refund in this scenario, following fields will show up upon selecting "Full Refund" option,


Learner's Name

Course Code

Payment Amount (editable for partial refund)

Payment Transaction ID

Payment Date & Time

Coupon Code (this can be applied if learner only wants refund and has complimentary coupon code)

Comments for refund


Upon successful refund processing, administrative user will receive an option to send Email notification to learner. Administrative user can choose not to send Email notification. If administrative user choose to send refund Email confirmation, learner will receive refund receipt as PDF attachment.


Administrative user is having an option to cancel learner's registration for the course. If administrative user chooses to cancel registration for the course, learner's registration entry will be deleted from the course.


In the event learner has complimentary coupon code (100%), payment entry will need to be updated with the comp code after refund is processed.



Partial Refund: 


Administrative user is able to process partial refund in this scenario, following fields will show up upon selecting "Partial Refund" option,:


Learner's Name

Course Code

Payment Amount (editable for partial refund)

Payment Transaction ID

Payment Date & Time

Coupon Code (this can be applied if learner only wants partial refund and has coupon code)

Comments for refund


Upon successful refund processing, administrative user will receive an option to send Email notification to learner. Administrative user can choose not to send Email notification. If administrative user chooses to send refund Email confirmation, learner will receive partial refund receipt as PDF attachment.


Administrative user will have an option to cancel learner's registration for the course. If administrative user choose to cancel registration for the course, learner's registration entry will be deleted from the course.


In the event learner has % coupon code, payment entry will need  to be updated with the code after partial refund is processed.



Transfer Fee: 


Administrative user is able to transfer payment fee amount to different registration type for the same course if learner has made a mistake of registering for the wrong type. In this scenario, following fields will show up upon selecting "Transfer Fee" option,


Learner's Name

Course Code

Payment Amount (editable for partial refund)

Registration Type Selection (drop down)

Transfer Amount (pre-populated with selected registration type)

Payment Transaction ID

Payment Date & Time

Coupon Code (this can be applied if learner only wants partial refund and has coupon code)

Comments for refund


There will be two options for administrative user to transfer fee to new registration type,


1.          Transfer Fee to New Registration Type (in the case where original payment amount and transfer amount is same)

2.          Transfer Fee & Process Payment Difference (in the case of transfer fee is greater than original payment amount)




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