Navigation: Module Management > Course Management > Course Configuration Tabs > Email Correspondence Configuration >

Add New Email Template





This feature allows administrative user to add new Email template. The Add New option is available on Edit Email Configuration screen as shown below when editing the Email template record from the grid.








Enter the Email template name.



Enter the Email subject line.


Bcc Email

Enter the Bcc Email address.


Event Type

Select the event type from the drop down you want to create Email template for.


Email Content Area

Define Email body text here. Apply require formatting style to Email content using the Text Editor feature. 


Is Active?

Check or uncheck check box to set this Email template as an active or inactive.


Is Default?

Check or uncheck check box to set this Email template as default Email template.


Administrative user can define and mark the template as a default Email template for core features of LMS (i.e. registration, forgot password, certificate of credit etc.). If this check box is selected for the Email template, this Email template will be sent to the learner if no other Email template is setup at the course level. Default Email templates will act as fallback in case nothing is configured under this tab at the course setup level.


Save, Preview & Help

Click Help button to view available tokens to be used in Email template configuration. Tokens will be replaced with the actual values while generating the final Email to be sent.

Click Preview button to preview Email template before finalizing the template and saving.

Click Save button to save the finalized template.




Available Tokens to be using in the Email configuration:




Preview the Email template before final saving:




Email template is created successfully. System message displays on top part:


System message

System message displays on top part when the template is saved successfully.




System Message

System message displays on top part when the Email configuration record is saved successfully.




The saved template is now linked with the event and listed in the drop down:







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