Navigation: Module Management > Course Management > Course Configuration Tabs > Supplements Info. > Add New Supplement >

Text-based Course





SCORM 1.2 Package content authoring method, allows administrative user to setup text-based course utilizing default LMS player.


Administrative user will be able to add HTML page, as required. Each HTML page will act as chapter, and chapter navigation will be generated for this course on the front-end for ease of navigation for learners.


Learner progress tracking will be enabled for this player.



Select Text-based Course option from the Content drop down list.



Enter title of the text-based course.


Header Image

Select file for the header image. Note: Image should of size 958 * 88 pixels.



Enter description about the text-based course. Use Text Editor features to apply require formatting to text-based description text.


Is Active?

Check or uncheck check box to set this supplement content as an active or inactive.



Click Submit button to save the supplement content.





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