Navigation: Module Management > Course Management > Course Configuration Tabs > Follow-up Certificate >

Preview Certificate





The Preview option allows to review the certificate details before you finalize the certificate.



Click the Preview button to review certificate details.




The Preview tab shows certificate with tokens (placeholders for actual values)


Tokens for Contact and Degree

Tokens for Contact and Degree data. In the previewed certificate above, there are tokens used for Course Title, Date (to print today's date) and Credit (to print course credit value).


Tokens are systems’ provided  pre-defined placeholders which can be used in designing certificate templates.



Preview with data

The Preview with data tab shows certificate with actual values.


While generating the certificate, the actual values are replaced for the tokens used int the certificate.


Please review below Preview with data certificate where values for tokens are replaced with the actual value, for example, [[Credit]] is replaced with credit value of course i.e. 1.00.






Click Edit to edit the certificate detail.



Click Delete to delete the certificate for this course.


Save & Cancel

Click Save button to save course configurations including the follow-up certification details.


Click Cancel button to cancel the action of updating detail.

















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