Navigation: Module Management > Course Management > Course Configuration Tabs > Email Reminder >

Add New Email Reminder





Administrative user can add new Email reminder by selecting "Add New" option available on top right side of the Email reminder grid.


Email Reminder Grid

The Email reminder grid lists Email reminders set for this course.


The grid shows Email settings like template name, stage (event), frequency in no. days reminder needs to be re-sent, how many reminders need to be sent, when shall the first follow-up reminder Email to be sent, mark the reminder active or inactive, edit and delete Email reminder.


Add New Email Reminder

On selecting Add New option, system opens an overlay window/ interface to add new Email reminder.



Email Reminder Name

Enter appropriate name for the Email reminder.


Email Template

Select Email template from the drop down list.


In Progress Stage

Select the stage of the course for which you want to set this Email reminder. The stages of the course could be Pre-Assessment, Post-Assessment, Evaluation, etc.


Frequency In Day(s)

Set the frequency in days at what interval you want to send Email reminder to the learner for progress stage this reminder is set for.


Start Date

Set the start date from which you want to start sending Email reminder for this course and the progress stage.


End Date

Set the end date from which you want to stop sending Email reminder for this course and the progress stage. If the end date passes course expiration date then Email reminder notifications will stop as course will expire.


No. of Occurrence

Set the no. of Email reminders you want to send for this course and the progress stage.


Is Active?

Check or Uncheck the Is Active? check box to set this Email reminder active or in-active.



Click Save button to save the Email reminder. It will be listed in the Email reminder grid as shown.






Click Edit icon to edit the Email reminder detail.



Click Delete icon to remove the Email reminder.


Save & Cancel

Click Save button to save the course configurations.


Click Cancel button to cancel the action of updating the configurations.







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