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Add Vanity URL





Administrative user is able to add new vanity/affiliation record.


Note: A vanity URL is an unique web address that is branded for marketing purposes. Vanity URLs are a type of custom URL that exists to help users remember and find a specific page of your website. Therefore your vanity URLs should be easy to remember, use, and share.

Affiliation Grid

The Affiliation grid lists affiliations and vanity records.


Add New Vanity URL

Click Add New to create new vanity/ affiliation record.



URL Type

URL Type can be either MDS or Affiliation.


For Affiliation Type, you are required to select affiliation from the drop down list.





Click Save button to save vanity/ affiliation record:



System displays a message when Vanity URL has been saved successfully:



Vanity/ Affiliation records are listed in the grid:


Short URL

Enter the short URL for the vanity record.


Is Active?

Check or uncheck Is Active? check box to set this vanity record an active or inactive.



Click Save button to save this vanity record.




Select Edit option to update vanity/ affiliation record.



Select Edit option to remove vanity/ affiliation record.


Save & Cancel

Click Save button to save job code record.


Click Cancel button to cancel the updates made in job code record.





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