
Folder structure




In MDS LMS, folder structure is used in Course Management, Archive Management, Email Template Management and Certificate Template Management.

Admin user can assign/map records in the folder.


The following screenshot shows UI elements and its details:


Global records selection

Click this check box to select all the records in the table grid at once.


Folder records selection

Click this check box to select all the records in the folder at once.


Individual records selection

Click this check box to select individual records one by one.


Default Folder

Default folder with title "Folder Not Assigned" is available. If there are not records in the folder than this folder will hide.


Folder item counts

Folder containing number of records will display besides folder title.


Edit Folder Name

Click this Edit button to update folder title.


Delete Folder Name

Click this Delete button to remove folder. 
Note: Delete button will only be displayed when folder does not contain any records in it.


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