Navigation: Setup > Featured Course Management >

Add Featured Course




This feature allows administrative user to add new featured course to display active featured courses records on MDS home page.


Add New

Selecting Add New option at top right of Faculty course listing grid opens Add Faculty interface.



Job Code

Enter appropriate job code that is unique to each course and curriculum. All courses are connected with the job code. It is used for managing and supporting different types of courses on LMS.


Course Code

Enter appropriate course code for the course. Automatic course code will display as you type in field as per related Job Code selected.


Featured Course Image

Select the featured course image file. Click the Select Files button to browse and select the image from the location where it resides.


Note: Image size must be 783x404 pixels.


Display Order

Select the order of the featured course you want to display in the Featured Course list on the front-end.



Check or uncheck "Active" check box to set the featured course as active or inactive. Active featured activity will be available to be associated with the job code/course.


Only featured courses with "Active" status will appear in the drop down menu for Ask the Expert feature at the course level.


Save & Cancel

Click Save to save the featured course record. The saved featured course will be available to display in featured course management.


Click Cancel to cancel the adding of a new featured course.


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