Navigation: Module Management > Job Code Management >

Add Job Code




This feature allows administrative user to create new Job Code that is unique per course, curriculum. All courses are connected with the job code. This is managing and supporting different types of courses on LMS.


Data fields marked with (*) are required fields.


Job Code

Enter appropriate job code. It is unique per course, curriculum. All courses are connected with the job code. It is used for managing and supporting different types of courses on LMS.


Job Title

Enter the job title.



Enter the Job description. Use Text Editor features to apply require formatting to Job Description content.


Job Code Display By Series

Select this option, if the course need to be grouped. For example, Live/ Online course series for a topic, etc.

If course is a series, then a series check box needs to be configured, otherwise course listing will not be displayed optimally the front-end course catalog page.


Series Landing Page Series Banner

Upload the image you want to display as banner.

The banner image size must be 746x134 pixels.


Series Thumbnail

Upload the image you want to display as thumbnail in search results on course catalog.

The image size must be 202x108 pixels.


Save & Cancel

Click Save button to save the new Job Code record.


Click Cancel button to cancel the action to add new Job Code.



Related Features:


1.Course Catalog: Learners are able to search and filter available LMS courses by available content indexing categories.

2.Audit Trail Report

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