Navigation: Setup > Email Template Management >

Edit Email Template




This feature allows administrative user to update Email template.


Select Type

Email templates are grouped under different Email template types.


Select Email template type for which you want to list Email templates and edit Email template.


Note: Email template types are defined under Setup -> Options Management with option group, ”Email Template Type”.



Selecting Edit icon to update Email template details.



Email Body Content

Update Email body content here. Apply require formatting style to Email content using the Text Editor feature. 


Is Active?

Check or uncheck "Is Active?" check box to set this Email template as an active or an inactive.


Is Default

Check or uncheck "Is Default?" check box to set this Email template as default Email template.


Save, Preview & Help

Click Help button to view available tokens to be used in Email template configuration. Tokens will be replaced with the actual values while generating the final Email to be sent.

Click Preview button to preview Email template before finalizing the template and saving.

Click Save button to save the finalized template.




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