Navigation: Setup > Coupon Code Management >

Add Coupon





This feature allows administrative user to define new coupon/discount code.


Add New

Selecting Add New option available on top right of coupon codes listing grid opens add coupon interface.



Coupon Code

Enter coupon code you want to define.


Course Code

Enter or select course code for which you want to apply this coupon code.


System displays appropriate validation message, if entered course code not valid.


Valid From Date

Enter or select the valid start date from which this coupon code is applicable to the selected course.


Valid To Date

Enter or select the valid end date to which this coupon code is applicable to the selected course.


Valid To Date should be equal or more than the Valid From Date.


System displays appropriate validation message at the time of saving record, if any business rule fails.


No. of Coupons

Enter the no. of discount coupons you want to allocate for this course.


Discount (%)

Enter the discount %age value you want to apply for this coupon code.


If discount is 100% then payment processing page will not appear on front-end.


Is Active?

Select Is Active? check box if the coupon code is active/ applicable to the course else uncheck to mark the coupon code inactive.


Deactivated coupon code will not work but can be activated at later state if there is a need to temporarily deactivate it.



Click Save button to save the coupon code.



System displays appropriate validation message, if any business rule is failed:







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