Navigation: Setup > Faculty Management >

Add Faculty





This feature allows administrative user to add new faculty member.


Add New

Selecting Add New option available on top right of faculty listing grid opens Add Faculty interface.




Select faculty prefix from the drop down list.


First Name

Enter the first name of the faculty.


Last Name

Enter the last name of the faculty.



Enter the faculty Email address.



Select the faculty degree.


Faculty Image

Select the faculty photo file. Click the Select Files button to browse and select the image from the location it resides.


Note: The image size must be 550 x 550 pixels.



Enter require description about the faculty member. Use the Text Editor features to apply formatting to the content.


Click here to view more detail about Text Editor.


Is Active

Check or uncheck check box to set the faculty active or inactive. Active faculties will be available to be associated with the course(s).


Only faculty with "Active" status will appear in the drop down for Ask the Expert feature at the course level.


Save & Cancel

Click Save button to save the faculty record. The saved faculty will be available to be associated with the current course.


Click Cancel button to cancel the adding a new faculty member.





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