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Course Review Due Date/Aging Report




This report shows information about course aging since the course is created. The From and To Date refer to course creation date.



Administrative user will be able to filter records by the following filters:



Course Job Code: Select or enter the course code for which the administrative user wants to review the registration summary. System displays list of course code(s) starting with the name typed in. Use the up and down arrow keys to select the required code and press Enter or Tab key.

 Course Title: Title of the course.

 Course  Type: Select the course type from the drop down. Course type can be Online, Online - List Only, Online - External, Curriculum, Curriculum - List Only, Curriculum - External, Live, Live - List Only, Live - External, etc.

Course Status: Select the course status from the drop down. Course status can be Preview, Active, Closed or Certificate Only.

Specialty/Disease State: Select the Specialty/Disease State from the drop down. For example, Case Study, Webcast, Clinical Commentary, Webinar, eNewletter, Multiday Conference, etc.

Course Format: Select the course format from the drop down. For example, Basic Science, Clinical Psychology, Epidemiology, General Medicine, etc

Course Manager: Select the course manager name from the drop down.

From Date: Select the date from which date (including) onwards courses are created.

To Date: Select the date till which date (including) courses are created. If the From Date is selected but the To Date is not selected, then the system brings all courses starting from the selected From Date.

Archived: Select this check box to filter courses which are archived from Course Management. This courses are available in Archive Management.



Click the Search button to run the report based on the filter(s) selected. The search result will be displayed in listing grid.



System displays summary and detail based on the filter criteria selected:


Result Grid

Result grid lists records based on the report criteria selected. It lists below information about the learners.



• Course Code: Course Code.

• Course Title: Title of the course.

• Course Type: The course type.

• Course Format: The course format type.

 Release Date: The release date of the course.

 Expiration Date: The expiry date of the course.

 No. of days since the course has been active to the current date.



Click the filter icon on the data column for which you want to apply filter condition.



Export To Excel

Export to Excel feature will show all learner level data for the course in excel format.



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