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Error Logs Management





The MDS LMS system logs all errors occur while executing the system by users. It tells error details like page on which it occurred, date and time of error occurred, etc. This detail enabled to review error in detail and do require resolution to fix the error and/or take any other require actions.


From (Release Date)

Enter the start date from which errors are detected. 


To (Release Date)

Enter the end date till which errors are detected.



Click Search button to fetch error log records detected between From (Release Date) and To (Release Date). The resulted error log records will be listed in error logs listing grid.


Error Logs Listing Grid

The error logs listing grid lists error log records.


Clear All Error Logs

Selecting Clear All Error Logs removes all error log records from the MDS LMS system.


System displays a warning message before removing the error logs. If you are sure to remove ALL error logs, then only select Yes else select No to cancel action.






Select the Detail icon to review error log in detail.


Back To List

Click Back To List button to go back to Error Logs listing page.



Delete option allows to remove selected error log record.


Navigation Bar

Navigation bar allows to navigate through all error logs records. It has options to go to first page, previous page, next page and last page.



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