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Certificate Template Management




MDS LMS system provides certificate(s) to learners based on the courses they participated and by different credit types. This feature allows administrative user to define certificate templates by credit types like ACCME, Nurse, IACET, CPE etc.


User can also manage this template in a Folder structure by creating folders and assigning templates to those folders.


Please note that “certificate type” and “certificate template types” key words are used interchangeably in this user guide.


The Certificate Types are defined under Setup -> Options Management option with Option Group, “Certificate Type”.


Certificate Template Type

Certificates are grouped under different certificate template types.


Certificate template types are defined under Setup -> Options Management with option group, ”Certificate Email Template Type”.


By default All is selected for Email template type. Select the Email Template Type from the drop down you want filter the Email templates listed in Email templates listing grid.


Show Default

Each certificate template is having setting to list as a default template while setting up the certificate templates for the course.


Select Show Default check box to list only certificate templates which are marked as default while setting up certificate template.


Certificate Listing Grid

Certificate Listing grid list all defined certificates. It displays data like Certificate Template Name (Certificate), Certificate Template Type, whether or not the certificate is active(available to use for the course), Preview, Last Updated Date, Edit and Delete options.


Copy Certificate

Copy Certificate option provides ability to create a new certificate based on existing defined certificate.


Selecting Copy Certification option opens below interface.


Add New

Click Add New button to add new certificate template.



Click Preview option to view how certificate looks like.


In preview certain data are shown enclosed with "[[" and "]]". For example, in screen shot below you can [[Contact]] and [[Degree]] and few others. These are tokens or placeholders which will be replaced with the actual values when certificate is generated to be sent to the learners.


Tokens are systems’ provided  pre-defined placeholders which can be used in designing certificate templates.



Click Edit button to update certificate template.



Click Delete button to remove certificate template.


Navigation Bar

Navigation bar having option buttons to go Previous, Next, First and Last page of the listing grid to view all available records.


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