Navigation: Module Management > Course Management > Course Configuration Tabs > Ask the Expert >

Add Default Q & A





This feature allows administrative user to add Questions and Answers to Discussion Board feature. Following options are shown upon selecting "Add Default Q & A" option:


Course Code






Upon adding Q&A, it will start appearing on Discussion Board section of the course where Ask the Expert feature is configured.


The Add Default Q & A option is available on top right part of Q & A grid as shown below:


Add Default Q & A

Click Add Default Q & A button to add a new Q & A for this course. Q & A added to the course will be available to learners on Discussion Board section of Ask the Expert feature on front-end.



Course Code

The course code for which you are setting the Question and Answer.



Select the faculty for this course.



Enter the question text.



Enter the answer text.



Check or Uncheck the Active check box to mark this question active or in-active.


Save & Cancel

Click Save button to save the Q & A.


Click Cancel to cancel adding this Q & A.



Newly added question is listed in the Q & A grid:



Click Edit icon to update the Q & A.




Faculty Name and Email

Faculty name and Email address is shown associated with this Q & A.



Select the status of incoming question. Example status:


Discussion Board (question will appear on the discussion board)

Reject (question will be rejected and no further action will be needed)

Replied (question will be replied either by course manager or by faculty and Email notification will be sent to learner who asked the question)

Replied/Discussion Board (question will be replied either by course manager or by faculty and Email notification will be sent to learner who asked the question as well as question will be posted on the discussion board)




Show on Discussion Board?

Whether or not question can be posted on discussion board.



Click Submit button to save Q & A. System displays message if the answer can be sent to respective participant.



Updated details will be reflected in the Q & A grid:







Resend Email To Participant

Option to resend Email to participant will be available when updating the status of the Q & A




Click Delete icon to remove the Q & A.


Send Mail To Faculty

Select Send Mail icon to send selected question to faculty via mail.


If course manager will not be able to answer the question asked by learner, administrative user can click on this option and Email notification will be sent to faculty.


Faculty will answer by communicating with manager internally via phone, Email, etc. Course manager will go to the course and document the answer given by the faculty.









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