Navigation: Module Management > Enroll Learner Management >

Invite Learners




This feature allows administrative user to invite learner(s) to participate in different courses from the Module Management menu option.


The Invite Learners option will be shown for courses having the course status equal "Active."


Course Code

Select the course from the drop down menu for which invitation will be sent to learners to start participating in the course.


Please note that the invitation can only be sent for courses having "Active" course status.


Listing Grid

The Listing grid lists learners' details for the selected course, including the following information:


Learner Name

Email Address: Email address of the learner.

Profession: Learner's profession.

Member Type

Active: Learner's status, i.e., active or inactive.

Delete: Option to remove the learner's enrollment.

Invite Learners

First select the learner(s) from the Listing grid to whom the invitation will be sent.



Check the learner(s) from the list and click the Invite Learners option.



System displays Invite Learner(s) overlay window to select the email template to be used to send the invitation.

Select Template

Select the template from the drop down menu to be used to send invites to learner(s).



Enter the subject for the invite email.


Text Editor

Text Editor provides formatting features to apply to the email content.


Based on the selected template, the email contents will be shown in the Text Editor.



The actual value will be replaced for the placeholders/tokens. Here, the [[First Name]] and [[Last Name]] are two tokens used in the email and will be replaced by the learner's first name and last name value in the email.


Email Content

Email content will be shown in this area based on the email template selected. Use the Text Editor features to apply required formatting to the email content.


Send CC to me

Check Send cc to me check box to receive email copy.



Click the Submit button to send the invite email to selected learner(s).



System displays information message once email has been sent successfully:

Email Send Message

MDS LMS system displays a message once an email has been sent successfully.



Learner has received below email. Learners can participate in the course by clicking the course link provided in the email.


Use the Filter option for the required column to filter records in the listing grid.



Displays learner's active/inactive status. It's a toggle button. Click the button to update the status.



System displays the message once information has been updated:



Select Delete option to remove the learner's enrollment.



System displays the confirmation before deleting the learner:


Course Participation Report

Select this option to redirect to the Course Participation Report.


Export To Excel

Click Export To Excel button to export the records listed in the search results grid.



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