Navigation: Module Management > Exit Feedback Management >

Add Exit Feedback Question




This feature allows administrative user to add a new exit feedback survey question.


Questions Type

Select appropriate question type from the drop down menu. For example, Text Box, Single Selection, Multiple Selection, etc.


Control Alignment

Select the alignment option about how you want to display the question on the front-end. The question can be listed in either a Horizontal or Vertical format.


Questions Text

Enter the question text in the Text Editor control. Use appropriate formatting option of the Text Editor to apply to the question text.



Enter the comment about the question, if required, which provides more information about the question to the learner.



Select the order of the question you want to display in the questions list on the front-end.



Select “Mandatory” option if the question is required to be answered by the learner.



Select “Active” option if the question is required to display on the front-end. Question won’t be shown if “Active” is not checked.


Options Grid

Options grid lists all answer options set for the question.


Add Option

Click Add Option to add a new answer option for the question.




Define the question's answer option text. Use the Text Editor features to format the text.



Set the order of question's answer option to be shown.


Correct Answer

Check “Correct answer” check box if the question's answer option is the correct answer.



Check “Active” if the question's answer option will be shown.



Click Submit to save the question's answer option details.



Click Submit to save the question's answer option details.


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