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Exit Feedback Management




This feature allows administrative user to manage exit feedback questions.


The exit feedback will be taken from the learner when leaving any of the ongoing course stages.


Update Survey Information

The Update Survey Information option allows you to set the Survey Title and the Survey Description.


Use the Text Editor to apply required formatting to the survey description text.



Survey Title

Enter the Survey Title.


Survey Title

Enter the Survey Description.


Text Editor

Use the Text Editor features to apply required formatting to the survey description text.


Survey Title

Click Submit to save the details. This information will be shown in the Survey Information section.


Survey Information

This section shows the Survey Title and the Survey Description defined to be displayed on the exit feedback page.


Enable Exit Feedback on Front-End

This is a global setting.


If exit feedback is not set for the course in course configurations, then survey questions defined over here will be shown, if this option. "Enable Exit Feedback on Front-End" is checked.


Feedback Grid

Lists exit feedback questions.


Add New

Click Add New to add a new exit feedback question.



Delete All

Click Delete All to remove all defined exit feedback questions.



System displays a confirmation message before removing questions:


Preview All

Click Preview All button to preview defined questions. Update the question details, if required based on the preview.



Export to PDF

The Export To PDF option allows you to export all exit feedback questions in a PDF format.


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