Administrative user is able to Map/Move Course(s) to the folder of chosing. User can also create a new folder from this UI.
Map/Move Course(s) |
Map/Move Course(s) button on Course listing grid allows user to assign and display selected course in the folder. User can also move course from one folder to another folder. This button only be enabled if the user has selected at least one course from the listing grid. |
Select course(s) and Click Map/Move Course(s) button shown on course listing grid to move the existing course:
Select Folder Name to which selected course(s) needs to be moved. OR Click on Add New button to create a new folder.
By clicking Add New button, Create Folder popup will open where user needs to add a new folder name.
Enter Folder Name(*): MDSPAS203 and click on Submit button will create a new folder.
New folder created by clicking Add New button will be automatically selected in the drop down field. You can now click on Submit button to move the selected course(s) to the selected folder.
Selected course(s) are now allocated to the folder.
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