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Edit User Record




Edit user feature allows administrative user to edit LMS user. Please note if user is MDS member/non-member, some of the profile information will come from iMIS API and some information will be saved in LMS which will not be part of iMIS.


MDS Members/Non-Members and/or LMS users information will be saved in LMS.


Below listed data will come from iMIS via API:

1.First Name

2.Last Name

3.Primary Email


5.Profession/Practicing Type

6.Learner Type: MDS Member, MDS Non-Member (didn't pay membership), or LMS User (mostly administrative user) who isn't authenticated with iMIS.


8.Mailing Address


Here, while editing learner's profile, administrative user is also see learner's course participation history and able to enroll user to a course.


Click Edit icon shown in the users listing grid for the user record you want to update:


Click Edit icon to update selected user detail. It opens Edit User interface as shown below.


Update require detail of the user and click Save button to save changes made otherwise click Cancel to cancel the update action.



Programs Listing Grid

Programs listing grid lists courses participated by the learner. It shows Course Code, Status, Comments, etc.


Add New Program

Add New Program option shown on top right of the programs grid allows to enroll user for a course.


Save & Cancel

Click Save button to save the user record.


Click Cancel button to cancel the action to updating user record.


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