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User Management




This feature allows administrative look up LMS learners and administrative users.


Search Criteria Fields

Write description here...


Search Button

Write description here...


Search Result Grid

Write description here...



Write description here...


Export To Excel

Write description here...


Add New

Write description here...


Edit User Record

Write description here...


Delete User Record

Write description here...


Participant Communication

Write description here...


Resend Credentials

Write description here...


Reset Password

Write description here...


Navigation Bar

Write description here...


Search Criteria Fields

Enter or select data value(s) for which you want to filter the users' records. The search execution is not case sensitive.


Search Button

Click Search button after entering data value(s) into the search criteria field(s). The search results records will be listed in the Search Results grid.


Search Results Grid

The Search Results grid lists records based on the search criteria entered.



You can further filter the searched results records by applying filter on any of the grid column headers.


Export To Excel

Click Export To Excel button to export the records listed in the Search Results grid.


Add New User

Click Add New button to add a new user record.



Edit User Record

Click Edit icon to edit the currently selected user record.


Delete User Record

Click Delete icon to delete the currently selected user record.


Participant Communication

This feature allows administrative user to send email communication on an as needed basis. Upon selecting this feature, administrative user is asked to select an Email Template to be used to send email to the currently selected user.


Resend Credential

This feature allows administrative user to send login credential to the currently selected user.


Reset Password

This feature allows administrative user to send Reset Password email to the currently selected user.


Navigation Bar

Navigation bar allows user to navigate through the records listed in the Search Results grid. It has options to select First, Previous, Next, and Last pages.





Related Features:


Role Management


Rights Management





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