Administrative user will be able to track total registration for the live, online, certificate only and curriculum courses.
Filters |
Administrative user will be able to filter records by the following filters: |
• Job Code: Select or enter the course code for which administrative user wants to review registration summary. System displays list of course code(s) starting with the name typed in. Use the up and down arrow keys to select the required code and press Enter or Tab key.
• Status: Select the required status from the drop down list. For example, Registered, Attended, Completed, Pre-Assessment, etc.
• First Name: First Name of the learner. • Last Name: Last Name of the learner. • Email: Email Address of the learner. • Area of Expertise: Select area of expertise from the drop down list. For example, Basic Science, Clinical Psychology, General Medicine, etc. • Country: Select the Country. • State: Select the State. • Learner Type: Select learner type. For example, All, MDS Member, Non-Member, etc. |
Search |
Click the Search button to run the report based on the filter(s) selected. The search result will be displayed in listing grid. |
System displays summary and detail based on the filter criteria selected:
Course Information |
Administrative user will be able to review course level summary upon filtering the report by course code in this section.
The Course Information section displays below information:
• Course Code • Certificate Code • Title • Date • Course Status |
Date |
For course types other than Live, course type will be shown for the Date. |
For Live course, the date of live course will be shown:
Learner's Summary |
The Learner's Summary section displays count for:
• Total Completer(s): How many learners have completed the course. • Total Certificate(s) Issued: How many certificate(s) issued so far.
• Total follow-up survey: How many follow-up surveys have been conducted so far.
Course Analytics Summary |
Tracking Summary section shows analytical data/count about learners activities in the LMS system.
The Tracking Summary section displays counts of below information:
• Landing Page Visits • Unique Landing Page Visits • Participants (clicked start) • Learners (engaged w/some/all content): Total hits for the actual educational activity e.g. Webcast, eNewLetter, etc. • Unique Learners (engaged w/some/all content): Total unique hits for the actual educational activity e.g. Webcast, eNewLetter, etc.
Clicking on analytical item count value redirects to Summary Tracking Summary report. |
Listing Grid |
Listing grid lists records based on the filter criteria selected. Administrative user will be able to filter records by the following filters: |
Below mentioned information about learner(s) will be displayed in the listing grid:
• Name (Email) • Course Code • No. of Certificate(s) sent • Status: Lerner's current status about the course. For example, Registered, Attended, Completed, etc. • Progress Status: Learner's current progress stage about the course. For example, Pre-Assessment, Post-Assessment, etc. • Post-test Attempt: No. of Post-test attempts learner made.
Export To Excel |
Export to Excel feature will show all learner level data for the course in excel format.
For curriculum course type, export to excel will show all learner's progress by each course (group by courses). |
View Course |
Administrative user will be able track progress for courses that are part of curriculum, by clicking on "View Detail" option in the listing grid. View Detail option will show the following information in an overlay window for the selected learner: • Course Name • Progress • Status • Progress Status |
Edit |
Administrative user will be able to edit the learner profile by clicking edit option in the listing grid. Edit profile page will show learner's participation history on all courses by status. |
Additionally, administrative user will have following features:
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