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If post-assessment is configured, Post-Assessment questions will show up after education step.


Post-Assessment questions can be configured from single selection, multi-selection, and open-ended text box types. Post-Assessment questions can be mandatory.


Post-Assessment can have defined # of attempts and learner will have to pass Post-Assessment within defined # of attempts. If learner will not be able to pass post-assessment, learner’s progress will end. If learner will pass post-assessment, post-assessment summary will be shown, which will show correct/incorrect status, rationales, and peers' results (graphical format) at each question level as applicable.


Post-Assessment can be personalized to learner’s profession and/or Area of Expertise, if post-assessment is configured on profession and Area of Expertise on the back-end. In this case, post-assessment questions which will match with learner’s profession and/or Area of Expertise will show up in this step.


Show Correct Answer(s) on Summary Page?

Learner will have Post-Assessment Summary by default. By default, correct answer(s) will not be shown on summary page. Select this option to show correct answer(s) as well.



Click Submit button to save value(s) under configuration section.


Update Survey Information

Click Update Survey Information button to update the Survey Information. Update Survey Information screen will open as shown below.


Enter the required information for Survey Title and Survey Description and click Submit button to save data.



Survey Information

This section shows Survey Title and Survey Description. Click Update Survey Information button to update the Survey Information information.


Import From Pre-Assessment

Administrative user can copy pre-assessment to post-assessment from the same course by selecting "Import From Pre-Assessment" option. This feature will show "From Activity" where administrative user wants to copy pre-assessment questions from to post-assessment step.





Questions are copied to the post-assessment questions grid.


Post-Assessment Questions Grid

The Post-Assessment Questions Grid lists post-assessment questions.


Add New

Click Add New option to add new post-assessment question(s).



Question Type

Select appropriate question type from the drop down menu. For example, Text Box, Single Selection, Multiple Selection, etc.


Control Alignment

Select the alignment option about how you want to display the question on the front-end. The question can be listed either Horizontal or Vertical format.


Is General Question?

Select, if this is a General (common) question. By default question is marked as General. It means that this question will be shown to all learners regardless of their profession and/or area of expertise.


Pre-Assessment Question Reference

You can select the pre-assessment question as a reference for this question. This will be used to compare pre- and post-assessment performance of the learner.


Question Text

Enter the question text in the Text Editor control. Use appropriate formatting option of the Text Editor to apply to the question text.



Enter the rationale text in the Text Editor control. Use appropriate formatting option of the Text Editor to apply to the rationale text.




Enter the comment about the question, if required, which provides more information about the question to the learner.


Question Order

Select the order of the question you want to display in the questions list on the front-end.


Is Mandatory Question?

Select "Is Mandatory" option, if the question is required to be answered by the learner.


Is Active?

Select "Is Active?" option, if the question is required to display on the front-end. Question won’t be shown if the Is Active? is not checked. By default, this check box will be checked.


No Correct Answer?

Select "No correct answer?" check box, if question doesn't have correct answer. It will not show "Correct/Incorrect" status in the summary.


Show Peers' Chart?

Select "Show Peers' Chart?" option to show peers' result (graphical format) at question level. By default, this check box will be checked.


Add Answer Option

The button allows you to add answer options to the question.


Option Grid

The Option grid lists all answer options of the question.



Click Submit button to save the question.



Delete All

Click Delete All button to delete all post-assessment questions. System displays a warning message before deleting the question(s) as shown below.



Preview All

Click Preview All button to review how questions will be shown on front-end. You can update the questions detail before finalizing.



Export To PDF

Click Export To PDF button to export questions in PDF format.


Save & Cancel

Click Save button to save the post-assessment configurations.


Click Cancel button to cancel the action of updating detail.




Click appropriate link/option from the list below to setup configurations:


Basic Info.


Content Indexing

Enroll Courses

Supplements Info.



Exit Course Feedback

Follow-up Survey

Follow-up Certificate



Email Correspondence Configuration

Email Reminder


Recommended Courses

Ask the Expert

Badge Course Mapping

Training Certificate

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