The Content Management System (CMS) feature allows you to setup content for important elements for the course. All fields mentioned below have HTML editor to format the entered content. The following fields are available by default, and administrative user can choose to use these fields, if required:
The following course-related fields will be available for administrative user:
üCourse Purpose
üIntended Audience
üLearning Objectives
üStaff Disclosure
üAccreditation and Credit Designation
üMethod of Participation
üHardware and Software Requirements
üMeeting Schedule (applicable for live courses)
üFaculty Disclosure
üStaff Disclosure
üSponsor Statement
üSupporter Statement
üSupporter Logo
üFunding Statement
CMS Ordering |
The CMS fields appear on the front-end based on the order set here. |
Expand |
Check the "Expand?" check box for fields you want expanded by default. If they are set up to not expand, learner will only see the field title and can click on the title to expand the section. |
Accreditation & Credit Designation |
Enter the accreditation & credit designation details about this course. |
Method of Participation |
Describe the method of course participation here. Use the Text Editor features to format the content. |
Hardware & Software Requirements |
Describe the hardware and software requirements to participate in this course. Use the Text Editor features to format the content. |
Registration Cancellation Policy |
Describe the cancellation policy of the course. Use the Text Editor features to format the content. |
Disclaimer |
Describe the disclaimer text about the course. Use the Text Editor features to format the content. |
Add Other Fields |
System allows you to add additional CMS fields if required for the course.
Click Add Other Fields to add more fields. Enter the label you want to display for the new field in Field Name data field.
Enter the default content in the Text data field.
Check the "Expand?" check box if you want expanded by default. If it is setup to not expand, learner will only see the field title and can click on the title to expand the section.
Faculty Disclosure |
Describe the faculty disclaimer text. Use the Text Editor features to format the content.
Faculty |
Describe the detail about course faculty. Use the Text Editor features to format the content. |
Sponsor Logo |
Select the logo file of the Sponsor. Note: The logo image size must be 202 x 108 pixels. |
Supporter Logo |
Select the logo file for the supporter. Note: The logo image size must be 202 x 108 pixels. |
Save & Cancel |
Click Save button to save record.
Click Cancel button to cancel the action of adding a new course record. |
Click appropriate link/option from the list below to setup configurations:
Email Correspondence Configuration
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